Your coffee is roasted when ordered. All coffees are whole bean only and arrive in 12 ounce tape resealable bags.



Your cup of coffee starts with the farmer whose family likely has spent years perfecting their approach to producing the best coffee possible. Grown in select altitudes and climates, the farmer devotes his or her life to refining and perfecting their product output. Planting, growing, harvesting, processing, washing and drying, sorting and bagging are a few activities that must be executed with great care.


Green coffee is shipped to port to a green coffee buyer (greenies). Greenies have distinguished palates and can identify coffee quality via cupping (a systematic tasting of brewed coffees). Through cupping, the coffee taster can assess a coffee's score and determine whether it is specialty grade quality, make decisions on which coffees they will include in their offerings, and often develop tasting notes and descriptions for the coffee on its final packaging. The green coffee buyer has a large role in communicating the information about a coffee to the roaster. Unclebeanz accesses top green coffee suppliers to ensure top quality coffee. Sometimes we purchase directly from the farmer. In either case, we roast then ship directly to you.


Carefully selected green coffees are purchased by Unclebeanz. It is here where the final transformation of your coffee occurs through the roasting process. Coffee roasting is an art that requires knowledge and experience to produce specialty level roast profiles. Coffee must be closely monitored during the roasting process and principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics and coffee chemistry must be applied to ensure the highest standard of quality and flavor come through in the final roasted bean.


Bet you didn’t expect to see yourself here. But it’s you who completes the life cycle of the coffee bean by seeking and carefully choosing your coffee options. When you take the time to find a roaster that is dedicated to quality, you demonstrate not only a commitment to a higher standard of quality of taste and flavor but also a commitment to a higher standard of living for every person who contributed along the way.